Before you produce good quality fish seed, then you will first administer the parent fish. Quality parent fish will produce good fish fry. In addition, the quantity, quality and continuity of seed production will do dross depends on your success in managing the parent.
Parent management aims to determine the amount of parent and brood are maintained to meet production targets in terms of quantity, quality and continuity. Total parent and prospective parent who kept starting from the determination of income that will be able to target the production of seeds to be generated each period. To achieve a predetermined income, calculated the amount of seed to be produced. Furthermore, to obtain the number of fish seed in accordance with the targets set are needed in the parent spawning frequency of each period to get up to the amount of the parent to be maintained.
Broodstock Selection
By selecting the correct parent that the parent will be obtained in accordance with the requirement that the optimal productivity of fish farming. Broodstock selection of farmed fish can be done easily by observing the character phenotype or by conducting breeding programs to increase the value of farmed fish Pemuliabiakan.
Parent winning fish will produce superior fish seed. Things that are very important to be noticed by the fish farmers in the selection of the parent in order to avoid a decrease in quality of the parent include:
1) Knowing the origin of the broodstock
2) Perform the recording of data on the age of the mother, the reproductive period and was first performed spawning time to age.
3) Conduct parent selection rules based on genetic
4) Perform maintenance of brood in accordance with the process of cultivation so that the parent's nutritional needs are met.
5) Reduce the possibility of inbreeding
To improve the quality of the parent to be used in the cultivation of the parent process that will be used must be selected. Selection of fish aims to improve the genetics of the parent fish that will be used. Therefore, by selecting the right fish will be able to repair the genetic fish so that they can perform the fish breeding. The purpose of this fish breeding is to produce superior seeds which are superior seeds were obtained from the parent fish selection results in order to improve productivity.
Spawning methods
To obtain a superior parent fish selection program conducted by applying some breeding programs, among others, the activities of selective breeding, hybridization / outbreeding / crossbreeding, inbreeding, monoseks / sex reversal or a combination of several breeding programs. In this module will discuss all of these breeding programs so that the fish farming will be obtained good results stem and seeds are superior. Superior parent will produce superior seed so as to maintain
improved seed cultivation process will benefit by looking at the optimal growth rate of fish that will increase the productivity of fish farming.
1. Selective Breeding / Spawning Selection
Selective breeding is a breeding program that tries to fix the value of purification (breeding value) of a population by selecting and mating only the best fish. The results obtained are selected parent fish and have better characteristics than the previous population. Outbreeding is marriage between individuals unrelated individuals (different mother), still in one variety or different varieties. Inbreeding is the mating between individuals who sekerabat is derived from the same male and female. Inbreeding produce kehomozigotan which will weaken individuindividunya to environmental changes. Hybridization understanding about the same as outbreeding. While monoseks or sex reversal is a technology that reverses the direction of the development into the opposite sex. This can be done by the time the fish is not clearly differentiate into male or female without changing its genotype.
Selective breeding according Tave (1995) can be done in two ways:
a) Selection of individual / mass
b) Selection family
In fish selection techniques can be done using two methods of mass selection / individual and family selection. Selection of the individual parent is also called mass selection. Selection mass / individual is a selection made by selecting individuindividu the best performan. This selection is the simplest selection techniques with lower costs than other selection. This is because the individual selection of facilities and equipment only requires a little (ponds, nets, hapa and others), recording data is shorter so it will be easier to do. Individual selection can be applied to tilapia if heritability of tilapia is greater than 0.25, when breeding and culling must coincide top 5-10%.
Benefits of Selective Breeding
Selective breeding program undertaken to improve the character phenotype especially growth rate. High growth rate in farmed fish populations will increase the production of farmed fish and is usually associated with an increase in the production of farmed fish feed when consuming artificial feed. With high productivity in fish farming, the fish farmers' income will increase. By selecting fish by selective breeding will be obtained by individual fish that have the best phenotype character so as to increase the growth rate when cultivated.
Selection Techniques Individual and Family Selection
Procedures to be followed for the farmers who will perform individual selection with the best strategy to select individuals in a population are as follows:
a) In a fish farming if it will do the selection of individual program must have a minimum of 25 pairs of parent are 25 breeding male and 25 breeding females.
b) spawning fish and observing the growth of fish from each pair. For example, one pair of parent fish spawning fish seed obtained as 200-300 tail, it should always be monitoring the growth of the fish seed.
c) Making the growth curve of growth data seed harvesting fish and do best in individuals as much as 5 to 10% of the size of the highest population growth rate.
d) fish seed elected at the third stage is maintained separately as a prospective parent to be used for the next spawning process. According Tave (1995) in the selection of individual programs will be obtained superior parent to perform marriages in selected populations of four generations.
e) From the main candidates are maintained in the fourth phase will be obtained by the parent fish that can be used for further breeding process, and will be obtained larvae and fry the fish. Then the process is then performed to obtain the maintenance of the growth curve and did the selection of a population of individuals as much as 5-10% of the population of the best that has the highest measure. Perform these activities to four generations and will be obtained by prospective parent who has been selected individually
Examples of candidate selection includes fish holding on several criteria:
a) The growth rate of fish, the prospective parent has the fastest growth rate among the group of fish.
b) The color of tilapia which still has a good level of purity that can be identified by the color black line firmly and clearly lies horizontally in the body of the fish.
c) wide body shape, relatively large eyes, and regular scales.
d) Conversion of good feed, which can be identified with the growth of body weight 70% of the amount of feed given 3-5% of the weight of fish per day.
e) Time-old mother mature gonads 7-8 months, with an average weight of 300 grams per head for males and 250-300 grams per head for females.
f) Productivity is high enough to produce eggs (parent with a body length of 6 cm can produce 200 eggs, while holding the body length of 20 cm produces 1500 eggs).
The procedure can be performed by the fish farmers who will select the family are as follows:
a) Prepare the fish to be cultivated from a few family owned, the minimum number of families that have to be collected is 30 families. In tilapia where spawning can be done with the male and female ratio is 1: 4 then the 8 male marriage will be obtained family as much as 32: 1 male to fertilize 4 females so that the male can make full-sib families halfsib and as many as 32 families fullsib and 8 families haflsib because of one male will produce four male family fullsib then 8 there will be 32 family fullsib or 8 families halfsib.
b) Conduct spawning for all the family 32 and do intensive and careful observation of every day to observe couples who already spawning fish.
c) Perform maintenance of fish larvae in each family on a separate hapa by providing feed and water quality management in accordance with procedures.
d) Perform maintenance of fish seeds in each family on a separate waring, count the number of seeds produced from each family. In tilapia example of breeding females produce 2000 - 3000 tail. Separating performed on solid penbaran low for every family in the pond at least 2 months.
e) Calculate the amount of fish obtained from the nursery and do weight measurements and body length as much as 30% of the total population of each family, for example, in a family there are 2,000 head then calculated the number of samples is 600 tail.
f) election of the size of the population and take the individual from each family that has the best growth, approximately 8 weeks and then specify 50% of the population of the best growth to be maintained further into brood and the rest is sold.
g) Perform maintenance on fish rearing ponds until ikanikan on any sized family parent and do measurements one by one in every family and select as many as 20-30 females and males biggest most 10-20 tail of each family.
h) The rest is discarded or sold as fish size and the parent can be selected for the next parent selection by performing mass spawning. In some species of fish are very different to the parent gained primacy. Wanayasa tilapia fish species can be found in the selected parent families by doing spawning elected on the third generation,.
2. Outbreeding / hybridization / Cross Breeding
Outbreeding is spawning between individuals unrelated individuals (different mother), still in one variety or different varieties. This will generate heterozygosity Outbreeding which will strengthen the individuals to environmental changes commonly referred to as having high fitness. Individuals who have high heterozygosity it will have a higher fitness. Therefore, to obtain the parent fish that have high capability should live in the cultivation process must be selected marriage.
While crossbreeding or hybridization is a hybrid program that can be applied to fish, shrimp, kerangkerangan and seaweed. Results from this program can generate superior individuals, sometimes there are also sterile and can produce new strains (Rustidja, 2005). Hybridization will be easy to do if it can be done artificial reproduction as well as carp and tilapia, which can be done striping eggs and sperm. In addition there are other definitions of hybridization that are not much different. Hybridization is a marriage between different species. Hybridization or cross is an attempt to get a combination of different populations to produce offspring that have superior properties.
Benefits Outbreeding / Hybridization / Crossbreeding
In general, the types of ornamental fish produced by the fish of many obtained from the crosses. One approach that can be used in the production of ornamental fish seed recently from a population that crosses between varieties or strains (hybridization intervaritas) which has the morphological appearance of the same species.
Hybridization is a method used in an attempt to fish the new offspring. Results of hybridization treatment is not only seen from the view of morphology, but should be done anyway morphometric measurements and meristik because the data obtained is a reflection of the strength of character of source reduction
gametes in addition to environmental conditions occurs during cell division starts working.
The notion of cross this fish there are various opinions such crossbreeding is a cross as well but not cross such as hybridization, but the cross behind. Types of fish consumption is a hybrid reverse is sangkuriang catfish that has been released by the Minister of Fisheries and Marine Resources in 2004. This fish species is a hybrid between a catfish behind the second generation with catfish sixth generation that has been made by the Center for Development of Budidaa Freshwater, Sukabumi
3. Sex reversal
Sex reversal (monosex) is a technology that reverse the direction of the development of the opposite sex become. How this is done at the time of hatching fish undifferentiated gonad clearly be male or female without changing its genotype.
The purpose of the application is to produce a population reversal sek monoseks (single sex), which is very useful in:
a) Obtain the fish with rapid growth
b) Prevent wild spawning
c) Obtain a good appearance
d) Support the genetics of fish that fish race purification techniques
Sex Reversal Techniques
Technology sex reversal can be done using two methods:
a) Hormone therapy is the use of steroid hormones
b) Engineering chromosome
Engineering technology with chromosomal sex reversal has been studied previously in this chapter will discuss the technology of sex reversal using hormone therapy. How the reversal of sex hormones in technology can be done in several ways, among others, are:
Oral method is a method of oral administration of the hormone that can be done by feeding natural or butane feed. On artificial feed, hormones dissolved in polar solvents such as alcohol. How that is done is to mix hormone α metyltestoesteron 17 evenly with the dose adjusted feed fish species that will be applied. Giving hormones in natural food can be done by using bioenkapsulasi.
Furthermore Anonymous, (2001), said that based on research to date penghormonan technique most widely used oral fish farmers because the results are more than 95 to 100% when compared with the immersion that produces 70-80%. By blending of hormones in the feed is also very efficient in the use of hormone dosage and ease of obtaining fish feed. While the weakness of this method is in the early oral feeding, the larvae need to adjust the types of artificial feed so that when feed is not immediately eaten the hormone will likely leached into the cultivation medium.
The working principle of hormones in the feed mixing a hormone dissolved and diluted in alcohol. Then the solution was mixed with a hormone made in the form of pellet feed powder by spraying a solution of the surface evenly hormone feed using a sprayer. Once mixed evenly, feed left in the open air in a place that is not exposed to the sun (in the wind-wind) so that the alcohol can evaporate. Furthermore feed has tercamput hormones put in a sealed container and store in the refrigerator.
Immersion (dipping / bathing)
Method of immersion (dipping), that is by immersing the fish larvae into the water solution containing 17 α metyltestoesteron with 1.0 gram dose / liter of water. This method can be applied to embryos and larvae of fish that still has not undergone differentiation gender (sex), and the soaking time dependent hormone dose applied, where more and more doses of the hormone, the more short immersion time and vice versa.
Immersion performed on embryonic phase carried out during phase eye spots begin to form, because the embryo is deemed to have been strong in receiving treatment. The weakness of this approach is a drug or hormone gonads terlau much about the target, but more efficient in the use of hormones. Immersion can also be done at the age of larvae that had been depleted yolk, because it was thought at this stage is still in the phase of gonadal unstable so easily influenced by external stimuli. The disadvantage is the effectiveness of the hormone is reduced because much of the target gonads. The larvae were used in the application of this technology is the sex reversal larvae aged between 5-10 days after hatching or when the total length of the larvae ranged from 9.0 to 13 mm, where the fish with the age and size as described above, are morphologically still sex differentiation. (Anonymous, 2001).
Injections / implantation
It should be noted that the conversion jantanisasi (masculinization) sometimes show irregularities such as would be found individuals who have testicles and ovaries as well would. In addition, individuals may be found sterile / abnormal because gonadnya can not thrive. It is usually associated with a given dose conformity. According Zairin Jr. (2002) In general, the dose is too high will encourage sterility and dose that is too low will encourage sex reversal is not perfect so will the testes and ovaries can be found at the same time.
Sex Reversal Procedure
Containers are used which are the basic maintenance of the parent container can be a cement pond or plastic tanks, container treatment in the form of an aquarium with a measure that adjusts the density of the fish to be treated, and larval rearing container.
Equipment used in the sex reversal technique is the maintenance of field equipment such seser fish, hose Sipon, aerator, aeration hose, and aeration stone. Equipment to be used should be sanitized prior to use disinfectant solution or soap to avoid fish that will be maintained from pests that may carry over to the container.
In addition to field equipment, to perform sex reversal technique is also necessary equipment in treatment through the feed that is, a basin which is used as a feed ingredient in the manufacture of container, wooden spoon used for stirring and leveling hormone solution, hand sprayer is used to spray a solution of hormones in feed, hypodermic syringe as a tool to take the hormone solution and dark glass bottles as containers hormone dilution with alcohol. While the necessary equipment to treatment through immersion, among others, a plastic basin as a parent container or larval immersion, the aerator as a supplier of air, hypodermic syringes as a tool to take the hormone solution and dark glass bottles as containers hormone dilution with alcohol.
The materials to be provided include hormone 17α methyltestosterone or 17β estradiol in accordance with the needs and goals of sex reversal, alcohol as a solvent hormones, natural or artificial feed (if through oral methods) and clean water that has been deposited for 12-24 hours as media immersion (when using the dipping method)
Making hormonal feed
In the application of the method of oral sex reversal by feeding hormonal dosages of hormones used to be very specific to certain types of fish. In this procedure will be made for this type of hormonal feed tilapia. The procedure is carried out as follows:
a) Catch fish larvae which will be given the treatment of pool / tub spawning
b) Choose the larvae are still under the age of 10 days to see the criteria in accordance with the characteristics that have been determined.
c) Weigh the larval biomass to be treated penghormonan namely by taking and weigh some samples for later weighing results of samples divided by the average number of larvae samples to obtain the average weight of larvae, then count the number of larvae population, then multiply by the average weight larvae to obtain the total weight of the larvae.
d) Weigh required for larvae feed in accordance with the prescribed dose (Feeding rate of 30-40% by weight of the biomass / day) multiplied during the 10 days of feeding.
e) Prepare an alcohol solution with a concentration of 70% according to the needs.
f) Prepare the hormone to be used as needed. For example, the amount of feed requirement of 250 grams, penghormonan dose of 40 mg / kg of feed, the hormone weigh as much as 10 mg.
g) Larutkanlah earlier hormones into the alcohol 10 ml (1 mg / ml), and then store in a dark colored bottle (not clear).
h) Mix a solution of the hormone in the feed by using a hand sprayer sprayed evenly on the feed. To eliminate wind-anginkanlah alcohol feed until the smell of alcohol has not sting anymore.
i) Keep a hormone that has dianginkan on dark-colored plastic bag with sealed both before and after use, or can also be stored in reprigrator (+ 4o C) j) Discuss in groups of feed manufacturing procedures hormonal
Preparation of immersion
Applications sex reversal in fish guppy fish aims to produce male sex. In the male guppy fish sexes has color and shape of the body is more beautiful than the female fish. Mechanical sex reversal in fish guppy can be done by two methods, namely soaking feeding mother and hormonal. In the immersion method, the dose used was 2 mg / l of water and long soaking for 12 hours to 24 hours at the parent fish that are pregnant and give the results of 100% male. While the method of feeding at a dose of 400 mg / l with longer treatment 10 days only produce 58% male (Zairin, 2002). The soaking solution preparation procedure is as follows:
a) Prepare the tools and materials that will be needed
b) Make a solution by way of hormones weigh as much as 20 mg hormone and insert in polyethylene tubes and tambhakan 0.5 ml of 70% alcohol. Cover and shake until dissolved hormones, hormone then pour into a container of 10 liters of water conservancy, give aeration and ready for use.
c) Choose iduk guppy fish that are pregnant to see her body shape and choose the parent who will give birth to eight days later as many as 50 individuals. Guppy fish usually experience a period pregnant for 40 days.
d) Insert the stem into the hormone solution and soak for 24 hours.
e) Move parent guppy fish that has soaked into the aquarium and observe the birth of the child and count the number of children produced
f) guard the resulting child until the age of 2-3 months and identified gender morphologically and histologically.
4. Inbreeding
Inbreeding is the mating between individuals who sekerabat is derived from the same male and female parent and the same variety. Inbreeding or inbreeding will produce individuals that homozygosity. Kehomozigotan this will weaken the individuals to environmental changes. This homozygosity tells us there is only one type allele for one or more loci. In addition, the cross will lead to a decrease in the survival of eggs and larvae, increased frequency of abnormal shape and decrease the growth rate of fish.
Benefits Inbreeding
Based on some measurement parameters in determining whether the population has been subjected to pressure in the cross, showing that cross in a negative impact on fish farming. But in the program to obtain a pure strain of individuals can only be done by applying this breeding program. So the purpose of the application of the cross (inbreeding) only aims to obtain the parent fish that have a pure strain, individual pure strains have high homozygosity. The breeding program is a conventional program in obtaining pure strains parent fish.
Methods of Inbreeding
In obtaining the parent fish that have a pure strain can be done by two methods:
Closed breeding.
Closed closed breeding means marriage, which has the sense that the mating close relation of family such as children and elders or between siblings. Marriage between siblings or between individuals who sefamili will result in the distribution of alleles through one or more of the same ancestor. When this happens, the individual mating alleles that they get from a common ancestor will be recovered. Then this will result in the resulting offspring are homozygous individuals of one or more loci. By doing cross in, ferkuensi genes do not change but homosigositas increased.
Line breeding.
Line breeding means that marriage is a marriage family lines that aims to improve certain properties which derive from a common ancestor that males and females of the Constitution of genetics in the progeny. Form of line breeding is often done the same backcross to her parents for several generations. According Tave (1986) linebreeding procedure can be done in two types: Mild linebreeding and Intense linebreeding.
5. Ginogenesis
Ginogenesis is one method that can be performed in chromosome engineering and can only be applied to farmed fish that have a high degree of domestication. In addition to chromosome engineering will have a fish obtained in accordance with the wishes of the human chromosomes. One type of farmed fish that already have a high level of domestication is carp. At first cultivation of carp is traditionally done until spawning carp can be done artificially. With the ability of human conduct in artificial spawning carp carp can then be used as a commodity fish for chromosome manipulation.
Objectives and Benefits Ginogenesis
The purpose of this Ginogenesis activities include:
a) To expedite obtaining stem which results in pure strains with high homosigositas
b) To produce single-sex population, because of all female offspring produced
c) Creating a clone population in two generations
d) Speeding up the process of selection
e) Identify genotype sexes.
Step Step gynogenesis
Radiation is the process to disable the sperm material that will be used to fertilize an egg. Disable the process of sperm can be done by using gamma rays, x-rays and ultraviolet light. These three kinds of light is used because it is cheap, readily available, efficient and safer than other types of light. Ultraviolet light (UV) is more often used to irradiate sperm with the aim of weakening the material so as not to affect male offspring because in Indonesia is relatively easier to get the equipment compared to other types of rays. In addition, the selection of
the light is dependent on factors that will affect the success of the process is to disable sperm radiation beam strength, thickness of sperm, the sperm beam distance, and long irradiation.
Irradiating the treatment does not result in reduced sperm fertilize the egg. Sperm are still able to function as a trigger (hyper) embryonic development. With radiation treatment, the activity of sperm in influencing the expression of genes derived from the male sex chromosomes of cells already weakened. Therefore by radiation in the fertilization process will produce female individuals.
Source: Textbook Student Teaching Material, peket Expertise: Aquaculture, Fish Hatchery Techniques, Kemendikbud RI
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